Kate Wagner at McMansion Hell is doing a series called 50 States of McMansion Hell, where she looks at terrible architecture of... ...for a post on your state by using this tag http:// mcmansionhell
https://www.neatorama.com/2018/06/30/50-States-of-McMansion-Hell-Texas-Part-1/You can credit McMansion Hell for making us more aware of the architecture...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/04/03/American-Architecture/A couple of months ago, we introduced you to the b... ...uple of months ago, we introduced you to the blog McMansion Hell, which now goes by the name Worst of McMansions . The blogger is an architect who explains the var... ...is an architect who explains the various sins of McMansion...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/10/04/The-Literal-Hell-of-McMansions/The new blog McMansion Hell takes a deep look at the large single-family... ...that get to the heart of what’s wrong with McMansions , like an explainer on their architectural design,... ...k at the front door. No matter how you feel about McMansions