(Image: e8odie)According to redditor e8odie, 98% o... ...but the claim seems to fit with other population maps of Australia that I've found online.This is one o... ...online.This is one of 40 fascinating and unusual maps featured at Twisted Sifter, including maps of internet...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/14/2-of-the-Population-of-Australia-Lives-in-the-Yellow-Area-of-This-Map/How would The Doctor's life look if it were mapped out as a subway map showing all the villians that the many incarnations of the Time Lord has come across as stops? This design by Crispian Jago (who previously put toget...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/13/If-The-Doctors-Life-Was-A-Subway-System/What you're looking at is, believe it or not, a ma... ...round the island for directions. They drew enough maps that Mr. Aozaki was able to create a rough outlin...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/09/A-Map-of-Manhattan-Consisting-of-Hand-Drawn-Directions-Made-by-Strangers/Amber Alves's map shows 48 contiguous and happy states. The smallest, Rhode Island, measures 5/8 of an inch across.(Perhaps Alaska and Hawaii were too depressed to participate.)Link -via Make...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/02/The-United-States-of-Americute/Sometimes time and money conspire against us to ensure that we'll be stuck in the same city no matter how much we need to take a trip. When you feel like you're going to burst out of your skin if you don't get a vacation...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/07/31/Cant-Afford-A-Vacation-Take-A-Trip-On-Google-Maps/You can travel around the world with Bob Dylan, thanks to this interactive map created by Slate: Bob Dylan’s music, it’s often said, happens in a world of its own—where the highway is for gamblers and...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/06/13/Interactive-Map-of-Every-Place-That-Bob-Dylan-Sang-About/This map by General Electric shows, by relative size, the proportion of electrification among the United States:New York ranks first, having an electrical population (served by central stations) of 8,620,700, or 78.7 per...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/05/31/Electricity-Usage-in-the-United-States-1921/For his son's 11th birthday, redditor crujones43 s... ...nes43 set up a treasure hunt. The boy had to read maps , collect clues at various locations, use a compas...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/04/21/Birthday-Treasure-Hunt/[http://vimeo.com/62468031] (vimeo link)Motorville is a large city that appears to lie in the general area of Los Angeles. It runs on oil, as its body is made of streets where cars circulate. When oil gets scarce, the ci...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/03/29/Motorville/Don't throw out that old kitchen sponge! We still need to make Alaska and Hawaii. Jeffrey Allen Price turns used kitchen sponges into map pieces: “I started accumulating them and have had the idea for many years to...