Most "zombie" viruses that affect insects are pret... ...ds manager from the Wildlife Trust in Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside Dr. Chris Miller has been lo...
British Caterpillars Are Being Killed By A 'Zombie' Virus That Makes Them Explode...
Wanted: Cat Nanny for Cat Café...
A cat café is opening this summer in Manchester , UK, to allow patrons to interact with a variety... ...d. Other jobs up for grabs at the Cat Café Manchester include cafe manager, assistant manager, front of...
The Temple: a Bar that was Once a Toilet...
A below-ground public toilet built in the Victoria... ...round public toilet built in the Victorian era in Manchester , England, could have been abandoned or filled in,...
Warm Welcome and Friendly Atmosphere...
David Dunnico has an interesting Flickr photoset w... ...ographs the ubiquitous CCTVs (and their signs) in Manchester
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