Brandon Keim writes in Wired that scientists are getting closer to reconstructing images that duplicate what the brain actually sees through visual input. Though it's not actually brain-reading, it's a small step in tha... Craig Bennett bought a salmon to test an fMRI machine and work out some protocols. So, as the fish sat in the scanner, they showed it “a series of photographs depicting human individuals in social situa... shows that playing the video game Tetris can improve your brain’s efficiency and will thicken some areas of the cortex. Neuroscientist Richard Haier had adolescent girls play Tetris for three months and looked... experiencing a stroke, a Swiss woman at Gene... -- and never had. Doctors subjected her to a MRI : Researchers instructed the woman to move her... is one of the strangest craft projects I'... continue working on different segments of the MRI to see how her project will turn out. Link