Andy Ellison's freaky cool animated .gifs are esse... ...e works at Boston University and has access to an MRI Hoarders/A&E You've probably watched A&E's series Hoarders, which feature homes of suffer from compulsive hoarding. It's a fascinating show, probably because we all can relate... are taking one step closer to reading your mind using brain imaging techniques: Imagine tapping into the mind of a coma patient, or watching one’s own dream on YouT... Link) How do you diagnose a 150 pound tu... ...e with seizures when she's too big for a standard MRI machine? Find an MRI that's big enough to fit her inside and then send... is filled with examples of the pain of heartbreak, but leave it to science to prove that to our brain, the pain of getting dumped and getting burned is actually one and the same:In a new study using functional... Ellison posts animated images of food on... ...his site Inside Insides. What you see here is an MRI of an onion. The bright spot that appears is actu... appears is actually a bruise! You can also see MRI to modern medical science, we now can see t... ...r tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ), scientists Kasper Hansen and Henrik Lauridsen o... ...pear in different colors. The non-invasive CT and MRI scans could let scientists look at animal anatomy... Watermelon (M) Orange (R) ArtichokeThe blog Inside insides is rather sparse on the details, but I suppose you don't really need anything more than the terse tagline of "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Foods".... only is the placebo effect becoming stronger, but it's now been imaged for the first time by researchers with fMRI machines. Falk Eippert at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany led the study:... of the human brain show how neurons fire in different patterns when we are asleep, drugged, experiencing seizures or headaches, and when the brain is damaged. The image on the left is the brain of someone who i...