For centuries the public library has been a great source of knowledge through book... ...great source of knowledge through books. Now one library in Canada is opening up the scope of how you acqu... ...up the scope of how you acquire knowledge at the library ; by offering... a bit of controversy on campus, the Breakfast C... ... Worcester College students--get together in the library on Wednesday afternoons to do group revision...... fun to partially disrobe in the Oxford campus library to break "the monotony of a long day's revision... readers'. In their... catalogues were once vital components of libraries; most were beautifully crafted of durable materials. Now some enterprising librarians are finding ways to repurpose card catalogues as storage sites and charging... Polk County Library system in Florida has introduced library vending machines. The machines are placed in area... ...hines are placed in areas where there is no local library . People can go to the machine, swipe their library card and... a few college towns have a bar named The... ...Quite a few college towns have a bar named The Library , so you can honestly say you were at The Library last night (The Office is also a popular bar name... Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy website in... ...accordance with suggestions obtained from public library authorities. At the link is a sample list and th... link) Budget cuts make a librarian's... ...he employees of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library in Virginia. -Thanks, Sean! list is labeled "Passive Aggressive Library Signs", but they seem pretty straightforward and... our recent post about the success of brib... ...ldren an enormous advantage in school.“Home library size has a very substantial effect on educational... ...than a comparable child growing up without a home library .” task for the architecture students from Trondh... ...students from Trondheim, Norway was this: build a library for an orphanage in a village in Thailand using n... simple, elegant, practical and versatile. The library was constructed with natural lava stone from the...