Star Trek Mr. Spock Live Long And Prosper Pill BoxYour bag, pocket, or car: the final frontier. These are the voyages of your on the go medication. They will travel with you in a handy container as you seek out new life... Trek Captain Kirk Finger Puppet and MagnetYour fridge, the final fr... ...r. These are the voyages of the Star Trek Captain Kirk Finger Puppet and Magnet from the NeatoShop. His... Wine StopperA bottle of wine, the final... boldly go where an ordinary cork went before. Kirk Wine Stopper and Spock Wine Stopper also availabl... & Captain Kirk Star Trek Salt & Pepper Shakers - $12.95 Att... ...on Star Trek fans! Behold the Spock & Captain Kirk Star Trek Salt & Pepper Shakers from the Neat... the NeatoShop. With the Spock & Captain Kirk Salt & Pepper Shakers yo... Link) This video remixes questionable scenes from the original Star Trek with the Neon Trees song "Animal." Thank you, Internets, for what I can never unsee. via Nerdcore... Kirk set his phaser to "fabulous" and shot S...