From joethepeacock [Flickr]We've posted about Joe Peacock 's Art of Akira exhibition a while ago on Neatoram... ...make it to Toonseum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Joe has kindly provided a nifty Flickr set if you can...[YouTube Link] Joe Peacock (previously on Neatorama) has been collecting Aki... ...llection.Links: Art of Akira - via The Journal of Joe The Peacock . Yay.'ve featured a number of how-to's on Neatorama,... (until now anyhow): how to win a fist fight by Joe Peacock of Mentally Incontinent.Well, yes - the best way... ...a woman and hitting 911 on speed dial.http://www. joethepeacock .com/2008/01/how-to-acutally-win-fist-fight.php -... ...08/01/how-to-acut...'s a funny article at ZUG, written by Joe the Peacock of Mentally Incontinent about his experiences wor... off in the break room.Sadly, I'm not kidding. Joe went on to describe how he was pranked at Wal-Mar...