Here's a world record for you to file under "Mathe... ...d record for you to file under "Mathematical" and/ or "Why?"-the most digits of Pi ever carved into a pumpkin.Tai Star managed to... ...nto a pumpkin.Tai Star managed to carve 66 digits of Pi into what is now *stron... the look of a creature drawn straight from our nightmares, this is one jack-o-lantern that won't be encouraging trick- or -treaters to ring your doorbell on... redwingx/FlickrPhoto: redwingx/Flickr(YouTu... ...efane is back with another disturbingly good work of pumpkin art, and this year's works are more terri... ...more terrifying than ever before!He's using three of the largest pumpkins in the U.S., along with some... ...mpkins in the U.S., along with some... characters and images from the big screen... ...acters and images from the big screen to the side of a pumpkin is no small feat, but these sublimely d... ...t, but these sublimely detailed carvings from the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular in Providence, Rhode Island prove it... done, and without the...'s an easy way to turn your jack-o-lantern into a real brainiac- cut up a smaller white pump... ...ller white pumpkin, carving the bumps and grooves of the brain into the outer skin, then place it inside your carved orange pumpkin and... Link)Pumpkin carving tools are such a pai... ...y not employ some serious firepower to punch your jack-o-lantern 's face into place?Let hickok45 show you how a gun... ...kok45 show you how a gunslinger carves a pumpkin, one carefully placed round at a time.--via Tastefully... ...carefully placed roun... you enjoy Halloween-geek crossovers as much as... ...crossovers as much as we do then this assortment of finely carved pumpkins will light up your life, a... ...may inspire you to try your hand at carving your own homage to geekdom.Alex started off the Halloween geek- *... is DJ Pump on the wheels of steel, keepin' it old school in the pumpkin patch as he scratches recor... ...dy Bergholtz, a sculptor who works with a variety of mediums including the most temporary of... the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Provid... ..., Rhode Island, say that it's hosting a Jack-O'-Lantern Spectacular, they're not kidding. These... ...thulhu section at the NeatoShop) Our pal Geeks Are Sexy has exclusive photos of some *strong class="m... Cylons aren't completely devoid of compassion, in fact I've heard that if you set a... ...ard that if you set a pumpkin carved to look like one of their own on your porch, complete with scanning...