The adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 is the moment recognized as the b... ...s, and is the reason why we celebrate the date as Independence Day . The fact that it is so well known as just the Fo... ...ster republic that has just fought its own war of independ... link) Josh Sundquist share... ...charts and graphs about fireworks, pie, and other Independence Day traditions. -via Buzzfeed we Americans are young children, we are taugh... ...For example, I bet you thought the Declaration of Independence was adopted in the fourth day of July in 1776. Independence Day is celebrated two days too late. The Second Continent... a taste of Independence Day celebrations of the past with a slide show of vin... original Declaration of Independence To help you celebrate the Fourth of July a... ...Obscure Facts About the Declaration of Independence , namely: There was no "Unit... ...ed States" in the Declaration of Independence Jef...