Neatorama Posts Tagged "Illustrator Kevin Coffee"
This is a Drug Bust [no. 1019 - @freshestginger]...

No, no...THIS is a drug bust... *Uncovers a bust of Beethoven made out of cocaine*— LL Cool Tay (@freshestginger) June 4, 2013...
Rotary Phones [no. 1013 - ‏@notoriousPOB]...

Say what you want about rotary phones. They hardly ever ended up in the toilet.— Peggy O'Brien (@notoriousPOB) November 17, 2012...
Old Person Smell [no. 1007 - @GetUrOwnCoffee]...

I wonder if I smell like an old person yet.— MOM! MOM! MOM! (@GetUrOwnCoffee) May 30, 2013 You can buy this, and most Twaggies images, as shirts and prints, right down this way....
Star Wars Presidents [no. 1003 - @WritingWilkie]...

I can name more Star Wars planets than U.S. presidents.— Matt Wilkie (@WritingWilkie) May 23, 2013...
Cartoon Character Fashion [no. 999 - @LilFlaOrange30]...

I'm like a cartoon character, not because I'm cute or funny, but because I wear the same clothes every day.— Peach Ring2 (@LilFlaOrange30) April 30, 2013...
Cheap Sunglasses [no. 995 - @tnylgn]...

My sunglasses are either broke or lost at all times and cheap as hell to begin with. I am my sunglasses.— tony logan (@tnylgn) May 7, 2013...
Pants Dance [no. 991 - @craydrienne]...

1. Pick jeans to wear2. Pull them up to thighs3. Pants dance for 3 minutes4. Take pants off5. Put sweatpants on6. Cry, eat pumpkin pie— Adrienne Airhart (@craydrienne) November 8, 2012...
Mattress Strap Uses [no. 987 - @GetCougarized]...

I just realized the straps on the side of the mattress are for moving the mattress, and not for what I've been using them for all this time.— Get Cougarized (@GetCougarized) March 25, 2012...
Supermarket $5 DVD Bin [no. 983 - @ezeddaly]...

Like a battered wife, I glance at the supermarket $5 DVD bin hoping this time will be different.— Ed Daly (@ezeddaly) March 15, 2012...
no. 941 - @Paxochka...

I'm drawing a chalk outline around my sex life.— Pax Paxochka (@Paxochka) February 20, 2013...

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