Today marks the 40th anniversary of the premiere o... ...onor of the anniversary, LEGO artist Ochre Jelly ( Iain Heath ) built a LEGO tribute featuring Arthur Dent, Ford... ...rger size in Ochre Jelly's Flickr album. -Thanks, Iain !, this scene will never be expanded into a...'s perfect for a LEGO recreation! Ochre Jelly ( Iain Heath ) built Uncle Owen's and Aunt Beru's moisture farm... ...ll ten pictures of Luke's horrifying discovery in Heath credit: Flickr user Iain Heath )LEGO artist Iain Heath (also known as Ochre Jelly) built a LEGO recreati... ...wn to the water bottle.(Image credit: Flickr user Iain Heath )I didn't build it, it's bullshit, I didn't built... ...doing Wiseau doing Johnny in The Disast... sculptor Ochre Jelly ( Iain Heath ) is a fan of the Netflix show Stranger Things. Wh...!It's a great likeness, isn't it?(Image credit: Iain Heath ) Ghibil's animated classic Spirited Away was... ...was released in the United States 15 years ago. Iain Heath , also known as Ochre Jelly, took that as an excu... ...Away, with different angles and process shots, at Heath 's Flickr album Chihiro's Journey. -Thanks, Iain... Trek: The Next Generation turns 30 this Septe... ...t would be too improbable without it. LEGO artist Iain Heath (Ochre Jelly) built a diorama of the holodeck to... ...See the series of photographs of this project in Heath 's Flickr album. -Thanks, Iain !See more of Ochr... Jelly ( Iain Heath ) gives up spot-on LEGO recreations of pop culture... ...ollection of REJECTZ in this Flickr set. -Thanks, Iain ! was twenty years ago today that we met the unfo... ...his auspicious occasion, LEGO artist Ochre Jelly ( Iain Heath ) made busts of both! The resemblance is uncanny.... years ago, Stephen Hawking went for a ride on... ...and experienced the loss of gravity. Ochre Jelly ( Iain Heath ) was impressed by the story and paid tribute by b... ...n getting a kick out of his creations ever since. Heath tells the story of how Hawking inspired him at th...'s zero-G flight (an... Jelly ( Iain Heath ) is back with a Star Wars LEGO creation from the... ...See other angles and closeups at Flickr. -Thanks, Iain