Image Cr... list of 10 Terrifying Stories Behind Infamous Movies , and wouldn't you know it, The Exorcist is on the... credit: Tartan FilmsFrom Texas Chainsaw to T... ...FilmsFrom Texas Chainsaw to The Hills Have Eyes, horror movies have always played around with the idea of the ty... ...ting put together a sick list of "Top Ten Twisted Horror Families" for you to peruse whilst simultaniously... is here, which gives us thoughts of Hallow... ...oughts of Halloween and a hankering to enjoy some horror films. TV channels do their best to fulfill your... ...hannel or cable company website. There’s 23 horror movies on the schedule just for tomorrow! You might want... Via Top TenzThe fun part of going to a horror movie is repeating that phrase your parents taugh... ...eal. But what about those rare occasions when the horror movie you are seeing is based on some aspect of a... ...f a true story?The reality is, there are far more horror movies... Ed Harrington has a series of IKEA ins... ...s of IKEA instructions for building your favorite horror movie character. They even come strangely pseudo-... objects have been imbued with a sinister... ...been imbued with a sinister energy thanks to the horror genre, and some of the scariest stories and movies of all time involve characters being terrorized b...’s far from exhaustive the collection of movies the Disney Horror Collection comes Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of...[] (YouTube link)Freddy... ...ig at Buzzfeed in. Anyone who has seen the modern horror movies , namely Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th,...[] (YouTube link)As we'... ...s and make conservative decisions make for boring horror films. What we need to see is a lone, doomed, min... the 1950s, theater owners and movie promoters r... ...hey continue up to the 21st-century revival of 3D movies . Read about Castle and others who tried every ang...