Here is the thing about the Saw movie franchise. It has a lot of cuts and holes. HAHAHAHAHA, get it? That works on TWO levels. As a fan of horror, we tend to look past those holes and do our best to just sit back and enj...[] (YouTube link)Screen... ...e4] (YouTube link)Screen Junkies presents another Honest Trailer, and this time they've teamed up with the...[] (YouTube link)If you... ...Screen Junkies explains why in the latest of the Honest Trailer series. Link)I personally didn't find all of these plot holes to be that bad, but there definitely were a few issues with the movie -especially the whole Bane's voice thing. What do you guys think, was the Dark Knight...[] (YouTube link)You've... ...ouTube link)You've enjoyed all the Screen Junkis' honest trailers so far about this one for The Avengers? Is...