This little sea lion is a rebel without a cause an... think about his lifestyle. He wanted to go to high school and he did just that -walking five blocks from th... ...ust that -walking five blocks from the beach to a school in San Diego. Unfortunately, The Man has decided... ...Man has decided that se...[] (YouTube link)If th... ...FHrzQgcZKqk] (YouTube link)If the internet were a high school , the people inside would be websites. And they&rs... school yearbook pages from the year 1946, and the captio...[] (YouTube link)Bruce... ...eX1H7ajOvQ] (YouTube link)Bruce Farrer has been a high school teacher for decades. He gives every student an as... America, high school seniors get to go to a prom, maybe a class trip,... ...n, or Russefeiring, runs from April 11 to May 17. School continues, but otherwise, 18-year-olds are living... game characters can start to feel like old f... imagine what it would have been like to attend high school with these virtual superstars, with cool guy Soni... ...d field, nerdy little Link who brings a weapon to school if you push him too far, and Kirby- the cute litt...[] (YouTube link)Jason He... ...Better” campaign by turning it on its head. High school is a horrible experience for most kids, and they... are those who were at the top of their game in high school , and expected everything to stay the same afterwa... ...Regina Georges an...[] (YouTube link)Finall... with age. Molly Dworsky graduated from Hopkins High School in Minnesota, where they are known as Royals.The... ...version will no doubt be played at every Hopkins High School reunion from now on. -via Viral Viral Videos said these things over and over to myself when I was going through those difficult times as a kid. I say them to my teenagers now. Maybe it helps, but it doesn't make the the pain of the present go away. From Lunar Bab... headline confused me -I had no idea what it me... ...s of 18 and 40, and they all carried backpacks to school . For some, wearing only one backpack strap was th... ...e-strapping to blend in as undercover agents at a high school , but found that the style had changed to two-stra... ...had changed to two-s...