Does your state like chocolate, bubble gum or frui... ...ate like chocolate, bubble gum or fruit candy for Halloween ? compiled a cool interactive map t... new animation from Simon Tofield is this year'... ...e new animation from Simon Tofield is this year's Halloween cartoon. The cat is up in the attic, and he doesn...'s always fun to dress up in costume for Halloween , but dressing up pets is even more entertaining.... you are a horror movie fan and subscribe to one... ...u are a quivering mass of fear. Or you can plan a Halloween party with a film festival theme and invite all y... movie It is officially the top grossing horror... ...lown character Pennywise will be the most popular Halloween costume of 2017. The look can be easy or difficul... ...s that will help you put your best It forward for Halloween . is a great time to get spooked, but if you don't... ...'re out of options if you're trying to get in the Halloween spirit though. Fodors has rounded up 13 fun ideas... .... Fodors has rounded up 13 fun ideas to celebrate Halloween even if you're kind of a wuss. Some... toast might be one of the most annoying fo... ...whole trendiness), it's even more obnoxious as a Halloween costume.But this year, avocado toast is catching... ...ummy lycra costumes in a bag at all those generic Halloween stores out there. Carpenter has been bringing our nightmares to... ...r tunes.He created the iconic soundtracks for the Halloween films, Escape From New York and Big Trouble In Li... Sacred Bones on October 20th, just in time for Halloween !-Via io9 must suck to be the star of a slasher flick, be... ...the guy who played Michael Myers in the original Halloween movies, and yet Nick is way more famous for being... may be over, but there are certain Halloween costumes that are so epic you want to look at the...