The 2017 Guinness Book of World Records will have a new entry for the cat who can do the... ...s much fun as she does, plus a spot in the record book , is a big payoff. Trainer Robert Dollwet will te...[]YouTube LinkPurin, a... ...le Beagle, managed to break her own record in the Guinness Book for the number of balls caught by a dog with its... about Purin and see still photos of her at the Guinness Book... part of the celebration of their 60th anniversa... ...of their 60th anniversary, on November 13th, the Guinness Book of World Records organization arranged a meeting in London of the... ...don of the tallest and shortest men on E... Book of Records use to measure the worlds Link) Roger Menees of Anna, Illinois... ...) Roger Menees of Anna, Illinois has set a new world record for the lowest sound ever sung by a human:... ambition expresses itself in myriad ways. S... ...thyr Tydfil, UK, who hopes to be entered into the Guinness Book of World Records for watching all 451 episodes of The Simpsons, ba... artist He Wenjun created the largest paint... ...t He Wenjun created the largest paintbrush in the world out of the hair of 300 horse tails. It weighs 11... ...t long. His accomplishment has been added to the Guinness Book of World...