The countdown to Thanksgiving has begun. Be prepar... put the fun back into family dysfunction. The Grim Reaper - Finger Puppet and Magnet to remind people stay... Reaper Finger Puppet and MagnetIs your fridge the final... ...rgotten? Procure the services of the ever helpful Grim Reaper Finger Puppet and Magnet from the NeatoShop. With... are times when it is inappropriate to sigh when you confront your future, but eventually there comes a time... Occasionally I think about how Lunarbaboon comics could be a great jumping-off point for philosophical... following is an article from Uncle John's 24-K... ...will you encounter after you kick the bucket? The Grim Reaper ? Or maybe an entirely different specter? It might... (or is it tie-DIE!) looks great on... ...Tie-dye (or is it tie-DIE!) looks great on the Grim Reaper . When Death takes a holiday, he really..., he really goes all out. Meet, the Chill Reaper ! Link two miles (three kilometers) per hour. ... ...rrelated inversely with their risk of death. The Grim Reaper ’s preferred walking speed is 0.82 m/s (2 miles... ...ater had contact with Death, this seems to be the Grim Reaper ’s most likely maximum speed; for those wishing... ...ote also that "the pr... link) In the French animation Mortys, death is a working mother. Business is disrupted when her child schemes to get more of her time. Mortys is a graduation short film co-directed by Gaelle Lebegue, Mathieu...