In the midst of the Cold War, the US build a milit..., the US build a military base under the ice in Greenland . They dug tunnels under the glacier that covers t... ...ilitary closed down bases at three other sites in Greenland , too, and it’s unclear how much waste is le... ..., exposing both the... makes a continent? There's no simple definiti... ...ever really thought about comparing Australia and Greenland , but both places are pretty much outliers in any... ...places are pretty much outliers in any category. Greenland is closest to North America, but considers itself... settled in Greenland from 985 CE to somewhere around 1424, then all wr... ...ut? Konrad Smiarowski is leading an excavation in Greenland that paints a different picture. “Probabl... ...l in reassessing how the Norse adapted to life in Greenland . The ubiquity o... Kmusser)In 1867, the United States purchas... ...asn't done. He also considered buying Iceland and Greenland from Denmark.Anna Andersen of the Reykjaví... ...a report on the subject for the State Department. Greenland , he said, had impressive commercial fishing oppor... ...rritories would be s... Svickova)You might not think of Greenland , most of which is covered by an ice cap, as an id... ...ost likely due to crust friction. (Photo: Visit Greenland )(Photo: Visit Greenland )-via Amusing Planet LiveScience) Greenland is covered with a sheet of ice, but that hasn't s...[] (YouTube link)An Inuit... Inuit fisherman and his family in northern Greenland are well aware of how the Arctic ice is changing,... is Birthday Canyon in Greenland . The striations in the 150-foot-deep ice walls of... have discovered that mu... ...Scientists have discovered that much of Greenland 's ice sheet is melting at an unusually... ...days from 8 July. Although about half of Greenland 's ice sheet normally sees surface mel...'t come to the table late or you'll miss your chance! Kivaq is a Greelandic meat dish that you'll never forget. Start by emptying the body cavity of a seal. Stuff inside a few hundred raw auk birds, feathers and all....