Girl Scout cookies are not made from real Girl Scouts , but the first cookies they sold were made by real Girl Scouts . The sole recipe, published in 1922, was fo... Scout Cookies were first sold in 1917, when one troop baked cookies to raise money. The idea caught on, and a standar... ..., and a standard cookie recipe was distributed to Girl Scout troops in 1922 for fundraisers. The idea really t... cupcakes? Thin Mint cheesecake? Yes please!... ...y a few of the amazing-looking desserts made with Girl Scout cookies that our own Miss C rounded up for this great Men... ...strangest creation on the list might just be the Girl Scout people love Girl Scout Cookies , and those who do generally have their favorites.... ...ll serves up a few of her least favorite types of Girl Scout treats. Who knew the range of depth and complexit... See Gemma Correll's illustrations of more bad *strong class... might call this the worst time of the year be... ...ter and all number of great holidays gone by, but Girl Scout cookie season is officially over. If you're one o... Collin Anderson)My eldest daughter is sell... Collin Anderson)My eldest daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies this year. I helped sort the orders for her troop... ...ation system, or facility for the distribution of Girl Scout cookies at the troop level, it was a complicated process.... ...d p... to this "No Soliciting"... is ever too broke to buy Thin Mints (or other Girl Scout Cookies IMHO). That crack cookie is seriously delicious. Link)Foodies get mighty attached to their favorite food products, and we continue to search online and check in with local stores “just in case” long after our favorite products have disappeared from s... Girl Scouts of America will be offering online and digital co... ...ludes online resources for people to find and buy Girl Scout cookies Girl Scout troops to participate. If that isn't enough of a....., when you're on a culinary adventure, so... ...ooking experiment consisted of building stacks of Girl Scout cookies : Tagalongs, Samoas and Thin Mints. She wrapped th...