This urinal was photographed at Rheinfels Cast... urinal was photographed at Rheinfels Castle in Germany . I would think that most men would prefer to just... II of Bavaria died under mysterious circumstances 125 years ago. The death was ruled a suicide, but many don't buy that explanation. Today, Ludwig remains famous for the castles he built and attempted to build, m... out of the way, police dogs! German police have a new best friend--the vulture. A team of three carrion-seeking birds have been trained to help officers find bodies. The only hitch is that the birds tend to peck at... following is an article from the book Uncle Jo... to isolate West Berlin from the rest of East Germany , which surrounded it.The wall was painted white,... ...(and held by someone on the other side) that East Germany banned the sale of any rope sturdy enough to hold... ...ommunist governments of t... former butchering facility in Dresden, Germany featured in Kurt Vonnegut's 1969 book Slaughterho... officers in Pforzheim, Germany were called Tuesday to investigate an owl that ap... the Cross-eyed Opossum lives at the Leipzig... ...he Cross-eyed Opossum lives at the Leipzig Zoo in Germany , where she is set to be a part of Gondwanaland, a... consider a nutcracker shaped like a human to be a Christmas symbol because of Peter Tchaikovsky’s 1892 ballet The Nutcracker. That's about all that most of us know about nutcrackers. The wooden icon we recognize tra... 1966, a beluga whale swam the wrong way up the... ...und up paving the way for environmental reform in Germany . When World War II finally came to an end, Germany was in shambles. Its cities had been transformed... ...l and coal were fueling remarkable growth in West Germany... Spiegel has an image gallery of "Trummerfrauen," or "rubble women" who were charged by the occupying Allies with cleaning up the wreckage of German cities bombed during World War II. There weren't enough German men l...