Photo: McMaster University Isn't this a plot in many an apocalypse Hollywood movie? Scientists have succeeded in reconstructing the genetic code of a deadly strain of bacteria that killed nearly a qua..., we meant you. (Though to be honest, I've long suspected that some people are actually fully Neanderthals from the way they act.) DNA analysis studies published in Nature and Science showed that humans are pa... Heart Yeti from the NeatoShop D... ...g the yeti. According to Oxford University genetics professor Bryan Sykes, hair samples discovered in... Anna Gorbunova - via Si... A lot of what we know about genetics come from studies using lab mice, so scientists a... ...e, so scientists at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk, Russia, came up with this tribute... for the animal that humanity has use...[] (YouTube link)Genticists have made a fascinating discovery that points to a genetic mutation responsible for the behavior of certain people you know. They were born that way. Which, of cours... Yong has a fascinating article on the behavior of a gene called SRY. It is located on the Y chromosome, and is pivotal in making an embryo develop into a male. But what about studies of Swyer syndrome, in which a chil... not! Redheads aren't going... ...ow), but you should still cower because genetics following is an srticle from the Annals of Imp... ...age credit: Flickr user Joe Lewis)Basic Molecular Genetics of WEWISHThe WEWISH carol is a short, simple Chri... Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium has completed the task of sequencing the DNA of a pig and placing all of that data available online for free. Is it now possible to improve bacon through genetic engineering? The st... Dave Banks/Flickr - via... at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting, may partly explain why one twin gets can...