ArielSnow WhiteJasmineAuroraBrianna Garcia is the... ...on. She's also drawn several Disney princesses as gargoyles . Specifically, they're modeled on the 90s Disney... ...they're modeled on the 90s Disney television show Gargoyles .Ah, the 90s! It was a very strong time for Americ... and again. Another..., Vermont, is home to flying monkey gargoyles on the town's rooftops. Local sculptor Steve Larr... Palagonia in Bagheria, Italy is famous for a... ...the deranged Prince of Palagonia ordered a set of gargoyles to line its garden walls. Legions of dragons, sol... it true that most people are introduced to gargoyles through a certain Disney film these days? If so,... ...turies, the truth is still out there (as it were). Gargoyles – they can be strange, bizarre, unpleasant or j... ...f the gargoyle. gargoy...