Remember when this microwave with a computer was l... ...his is just one example from a list at Gizmodo of gadgets that crashed and burned because they were redunda... is the Stuffa Jacket, a super storage solution and a new way to travel light. It may not be very stylish, but look at all the clothes you can pack away in it's many compartments! Now you don't need to lug arou... strange little egg shaped device with lips is called the Kissenger, and it's supposed to somehow make being alone in the world feel a little more bearable. You might be asking yourself- how does this creepy looki... link) The secret to electronic gadgets , household appliances, and everyday machinery is...'s what Steve Wozniak, one of the uber-god... his travel backpackĀ as an essential array of gadgets . It may make you feel a bit better about your... ...ant to read the full Wozniakian list of essential gadgets . Link link) Here's an ad made for people who are extremely suggestible. Like, people who would never think of cutting a hot dog with an instrument clearly designed for, say, a steak. For only $9.95, you can avoid s... sounds like a plot element from the movie Inglorious Basterds, but it's true- British Special Forces used dead rats, among other things rigged with explosives, against Nazi forces during World War II. Here's how... is the Ice Cube Vest, and it isn't called that because rapper Ice Cube once wore it in a movie, but rather because it houses 96 ice pack cubes in slots that line the inside. It's actually called the Flexi Freeze... gadgets and inventions featured on the animated TV show F... ...ght be surprised to find that some of these scifi gadgets may soon become a reality. We've already seen... smell other planets. So what sort of fancy gadgets should we expect to see next? I rea... barbecue briefcase is perfect for the griller on the go, the charcoal chef who doesn't want to be strapped down to a stationary grill. Perfect for those who enjoy barbecuing while travelling, running from the pol...