A man in England was walking home with his groceries when he was accosted by what might be the world's cutest mugger. The suspect, a typical red fox, circled around the man while nipping at him and his groceries. Eventua...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/03/19/dont-you-hate-it-when-youre-mugged-by-critters/(Video Link) That must be one tasty window or one derpy little fox. Via Cute Overload...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/03/12/slurp-slurp-slurp-said-the-fox/"I've got two moles to attack, a cub to feed and a field to frolic in, can we get this line moving already?" Just be patient Mr. Fox, be patient, you'll get to use the ATM eventually. First spotted by Ash Warner V...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/02/15/could-this-line-get-any-longer/(Video Link) Who know foxes could even make such adorable noises? I want to h...
https://www.neatorama.com/2011/08/30/an-adorable-giggling-fox/Foxes often jump high into the air in order to pounce o... ...ure distance: Burda's team found that when the foxes could see their prey they jumped from any directi...
https://www.neatorama.com/2011/01/13/foxes-use-earths-magnetic-field-to-hunt/A family of foxes in Ipswich, England, have ditched their usual hab... ...Trust, said it was an 'unusual' nesting place for foxes . ' Foxes are quite inquisitive creatures but this is unusu...