Sisso the swift was found with a damaged wing seve... ...with some inventive physical therapy. Sisso takes flying lessons suspended from a custom-made sling! The... ...obile in a child's bedroom - that he can practise flying . Fitting snugly into a red tube-like vest made...'s a terrifying scenario you may have dreamed about: falling to earth from a high altitude. A very few people have survived such an event. Popular Mechanics has a survival guide that will take you longer to read than t... month, Pamela Root and her son Adam got kicked off a Southwest flight when the 2-year-old toddler got unruly during a pre-flight safety instruction. Later, Southwest apologizes and gave her vouchers for her inconven...[YouTube - Link] I have always had a fascination with planes and fighter jets ever since my Dad used to take the family and I to the Dubai Airshow when I was really young where we got to watch some of the craziest and...[YouTube - Link] Festo, has been shown here on Neatorama several times in the past and each time their robotics and bizarre creations blew our collective minds...our Neatorama Hivemind to be exact...but that's a story...[YouTube - Link] Here is a really neat PSA from the "International Fund for Animal Welfare" from Germany concerning the trafficking and buying of products made from protected and endangered animals such as the Eleph... needs NASA? Spending less than it costs to take an airplane ride, a handful of industrious Spanish students sent a balloon 100,000 feet into space, tracking it by radio signal via Google Earth. From 20 miles above t... looks awesome but will it fly ... or will it bl... ...l childhood dream adventure today, traveling in a flying car for a 42 day journey from London to Timbuktu... ...he ‘Parajet Skycar’ can change from ground to flying mode in a mere 3 minutes, and will make the epic... ...air.http://www.lifeinthefastl... Jose Hernandez / National Geographic Magazi... ...008. You can see the fish at the top of the image flying by itself, but it was caught in its fall by anoth... personnelUploaded by OXY67... ...'t have any information on the designers of these flying