FisticupA new year means new battles to overcome. Show the... ...ow the world you are ready for the fight with the Fisticup coffee cup from the NeatoShop. This smashing mug... Neatoramanauts! We've just gotten... ...Hello Neatoramanauts! We've just gotten the Fisticup (the knuckle duster or brass knuckles m... - $14.95For many of us, mornings are rough. If so... ...enough to carry you through the day. Behold, the Fisticup . Strangely, this will work well as a Christmas gi... you need this product, then we need to talk... ...sues. But preferably while you're not holding the Fisticup . It's sort of like a spork, but a bit more violen... ...nt. fisticup -pid664.html via DVICE