(Photo: Orin Zebest)Enjoying the brutal winter wea... ...ssue that can burn and create heat. When a person exercises , s/he produces the hormone irisin, which converts... ...searchers for this study had test subjects either exercise vigorously, exercise leisurely or lie on a...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/02/08/Good-News-Shivering-Is-a-Form-of-Exercise/Having trouble keeping your New Year's resolution? Well then let these Marvel heroes help inspired you to get moving with The Mighty Marvel Comics Strength and Fitness Book.All your favorites are here ready to help get y...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/01/11/Get-In-Shape-The-Marvel-Way/If you want to get strong and stay strong, then you’ve got to pump iron constantly. Push yourself to the max, then go even harder. That’s what Zhang Fuxing, a factor workers in Tangshan, Hebei province, China...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/12/11/This-Man-Walks-around-in-880-Pound-Shoes/How about some diet tips from the early 20th centu... ...and nutrition. Most of them basically tell you to exercise , go outside, and don't eat so much. But then ther...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/10/12/Dieting-100-Years-Ago/[http://youtu.be/o-50GjySwew] Think you have to hit the gym to lose weight? Neigh! Just prance like a horse. Joanna Rohrback (see how skinny she is?) invented Prancercise back in the late 80s, and it's hig...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/05/30/Prancercise/We know, we know. We should exercise more. But who has the time to go to the... ...squashed that excuse with this: a set of 12 exercises with only body weight, a chair and a wa... ...1; says Chris Jordan, the director of exercise physiol...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/05/09/Science-Based-7-Minute-Exercise/[http://youtu.be/rL82YimQVFI] (YouTube link)The very idea of cats voluntarily doing aerobics is so silly, you have to watch it. This is an ad for Friskies Temptations cat treats, but the video was uploaded by the record...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/04/30/Cat-Aerobics/[http://youtu.be/AGVAR1m8gf8] (YouTube link)Exercising is so much more enjoyable when you get your cats involved! Granted, it's easier when the cats are a docile as Shorty and Kodi. -via Daily Picks and Flicks...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/04/23/Exercising-with-Cats/[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k8BKX2eQ0Q](Video Link)YouTube member deneui made this bizarrely fascinating video in 1987 while attending Arizona State University. While snapping a riding crop for encouragement, librar...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/02/13/Retro-Weird-Librarians-Workout-Video-from-1987/John Harvey Kellogg--yes, one of the Kellogg brothers behind the cereal company--invented corn flakes, advocated vegetarianism and...well, let's just say that he had some weird views about sex. Not especially unusual vie...