Neatorama Posts Tagged "English language"
The History of the Word "Dude"...

(The Dude t-shirt, now on sale at the NeatoShop)So...  ...J. Gould traces the origin of the word. In modern English , the context matters a lot:Dude may be the most M...  ...may be the most Mandarin Chinese word in American English . In Mandarin, depending on how I intone the singl...
Website Translation Options...

Mr. Lovenstein explains why websites offer multipl...  ...websites offer multiple translations in the same language .I'd find it handy if websites came in Texan English in addition to, you know, foreign English . But that service is rarely available.Link
In Defense of the Word "Like"...

Oh my, how times change. A decade ago, proponents... A decade ago, proponents of the proper use of English were bemoaning the use of the word "like" as an a...  ...e of the word "like" as an annoying filler in the language of younger people. In fact, that's how I first fo...  ...oken dialogue are definin...
The Difference between Who and Whom...

You use who for a subject and whom for an object. Matthew Inman explains at length using delightfully horrifying examples. You can read them all at the link.I like Mr. Jenkins. He's a man after my own heart. Whom could o...
How to Edit a Dictionary...

(Photo: SarahB-)Every year, lexicographers--people...  ...stay, even if it’s not used by contemporary English speakers. To survive in the Collegiate Dictionary...
Literally Now Literally Means Figuratively...

Search Google for the definition of the word liter...  .... Literally now means its own antonym.I know that languages evolve over time. But can we reclaim the first de...
Better Collective Nouns for Animals...

[](Video...  ...atoramanauts be called?Content warning: some foul language in the text of the video.-via Pleated Jeans
The Advantages of an English Major

Don't worry English majors. Graduate, get about a decade of experienc...
Etaoin Shrdlu and Other Odd Words in the Oxford English Dictionary

The massive Oxford English Dictionary is, practically speaking, the official...  ...official and exhaustive guide to the words of the English language . John Simpson, the Chief Editor, is retiring afte...
Words That Are Their Own Opposites...

Oh, English . The language we all know and love, the lingua franca of a larg...  ...ith Herman of mental_floss dug up 14 of English words that are their own opposites. For ex...  ...8221; “Oversee,” from Old *strong class="ma...

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