Redditor spacecatapult is a technology teacher at... ...ditor spacecatapult is a technology teacher at an elementary school . He/she posted this time-lapse of a project calle... via Jenny Pancakes)Robert E. Lee Elementary School in Austin, Texas is named after the famous Confed... ...people think that it is inappropriate to keep Lee Elementary 's name. The school board has voted to rename the school and has... photo by Delaware Agriculture)And they'... ...oomsThe Wisconsin State Journal reports that some schools in Madison, Wisconsin have found that doing so re... ...ade students during a non-academic portion of the school day, which has led to more “community-build... of the form emailed to parents by Lombardy Elementary SchoolWhen the administration at Lombardy Elementary School in Delaware sent parents an email about an event... ...member of the local media, a spokeperson for the school district said that the form originated from "a so... third grade teacher Kyle Schwartz asked her s... ...chwartz teaches in a low-income, Denver, Colorado school district in which many households are operating b... Via Imgur)Kids aren’t born knowing ho... Via Break)However, as soon as they’re in school , and spelling their little hearts out, we break o... Elementary School in Baton Rouge, Louisana, has a problem: its test... in and of itself isn't a unique problem - many schools have low tests scores - but Merrydale's... scores is. See, most failing schools try to improve its te... did your elementary school teacher do as punishments when you did something... ...l Harassment Dice. The 59-year-old teacher at Ogi Elementary School in Iruma, Saitama Prefecture, apparently had thre...