This whole- earth image was taken Friday morning by the NASA/NOAA G... Buddies Do you dream of snugg... ...tic plush toys are designed to look like the sun, earth earth is a dynamic place that moves and changes with no... may be round, but not its gravitational field! Af... satellite has revealed the clearest picture of earth 's gravity-field map:The geoid is the surface of a... link) I knew this, but only because... ...f miles to the moon, and the circumference of the earth . Those near my age might also remember that a fas... we travel, we often want to stay in the best hotels money can buy, but really, what is the fun in that? The Hotel De Vrouwe van Stavoren Friesland in the Netherlands is built from huge 4,500 liter wine casks! It i... the asteroid belt lies a 125 mile wide hunk of... ...steroids may be the answer to the puzzle of where Earth 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile apparently had some profound effects on... ...NASA calculated that the figure axis, along which Earth 's mass is balanced, shifted by about eight centim... ...aps more impressive is how much the quake shifted Earth 's axis. Gross calcula... storm approaching Stratford, Texas (1935) Pho... ...t fertilizing land and ocean. It also affects the Earth 's radiation, which is currently undergoing a warm... Link) Based on the Argentinian Political Advertisement, "The Truth" by RECREAR, "Lost Generation" was made by metroamv as an entry in AARP's U@50 contest. It won second place....