One of the more horrifying disorders one can experience is locked-in syndrome, in which a person is conscious, but cannot move or cannot communicate. Because of the lack of communication, caregivers often don't know the... of us have an image of our ideal selves cemen... ...e edited photos to the volunteers while they wore EEG headsets, Chasserot was able to analyze their br... developed a system to control robots with elec... ...ked to sort objects, while the subject wearing an EEG cap watches. The robot is looking for an error-re... and the action is almost supernatural. That an EEG can actually sort these kinds of messages is amaz... researcher Chris Chafe and neurologist Josef... ...rsity, have collaborated to turn the data from an EEG into audio signals with a device called a "brain... ...patients' brains to create electroencephalogram ( EEG ) recordings of both normal brain activity and a s... ...a seizure state.He shared a conse... military has finally succeeded in meld... ...n front of a computer monitor with an EEG strapped to his head (pictured above). Images fro... ...with a human operator strapped into the EEG , that drops down to just five false a... you ever fantasized about having the power to... ...o: good news! The Mind over Melon project uses an EEG to activate a CO2 blast into a hapless human head... Link) The Berlin Brain-Computer Inte... signals picked up by an electroencephalogram ( EEG ) to give commands to machines: While the playe...