It’s the Swiss Army knife of corndogs. From... ...expect, yes: this in the work of Nick Chipman of DudeFoods . He’s found a way to reach every palate&rsq... making an ice cream cone out of Rice Krispie... ...ce Krispie treats, it occurred to Nick Chipman of DudeFoods that he could make something similar with Fruity... balls are more than just a breakfast food o... ...akfast food or a dessert topping. Nick Chipman of DudeFoods proves that they can make a great pizza crust, to...'ve seen a previous execution of this idea that involved baking a whole Oreo inside a croissant. Nick Chipman of Dude Foods offers a version that is even simpler and more promising. He took premade chocolate chip cooki... Chipman is the executive chef of DudeFoods , a site filled with the most manly and nutritiona... again, Nick Chipman of DudeFoods invents a food product that becomes instantly ind... few months ago, gastronomical explorer Nick Chipman of Dude Foods created the McEverything: a combination of all 43 sandwiches available at his local McDonald's. More recently, he created a sandwich that has 26 filling... Reuben sandwich is the world's greatest sandwich. It is heaven between two slices of bread, which is perhaps why my French Toast Reuben Nutella Elvis Sandwich was such a hit.The finest Reuben that I've eaten was abou... it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing. That’s apparently the philosophy of Nick Chipman of Dude Foods. He’s already invented the bacon weave taco. Now it’s time to push the boundaries of... Chipman, the mad food scientist at DudeFoods , found a way to make eating a fast food meal more...