Cartoonist Adam Watson took two of our favorite fa... ...of our favorite fantasy worlds and melded them in drawings of Star Wars characters as imagined by Dr. Seuss"All Sorts of Sports," a never-published "lost... ...manuscript] consists of nineteen handwritten and drawn pages, the first seven of which are completely i... ...rst seven of which are completely in the hand of Dr. Seuss . The remaining pages are mostly written by an as... ...n by an assistant with correc... to the blog Your Mind Blown, the first d... ...documented use of the word 'nerd' was in the 1950 Dr. Seuss book If I Ran the Zoo. Here is a synopsis: [.... ...-Troo. dr you stop groaning, you can vote for this proposed Threadless T-shirt design by Ste7en. Link -via Nag on the Lake... Link) What would Hamlet be like if i... would Hamlet be like if it had been written by Dr. Seuss ? Justin Moran wrote a one-act play summarizing S... Link) In this variation on Dr. Seuss ' classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rorschac...