In the 1960s and '70s, the BBC lost 106 episodes o... ...'70s, the BBC lost 106 episodes of the TV series Doctor Who in an effort to clean house and make space. These... which actor William Hartnell played the first Doctor , and Patrick Troughton played the second. It was... ...hopes they may be back in... 50th anniversary of Doctor Who is coming up next month, and what better... ...ebrate than rounding out your collection of nifty Doctor Who items? We've got them on sale on the Ne... ...le on the NeatoShop - save up to 40% on Doctor Who merch. Hu... years we thought that The Doctor originally stole a TARDIS, but it was only during... ...t it was only during Matt Smith's Era during "The Doctor 's Wife" that we found out that the TARDIS, aka "S... are a lot of Doctor Who goodies out there, but if you want a fashion acce... ...d check out this great clutch purse featuring The Doctor 's "Don't Blink" speech. And just in case that was... dalek mis-recreates Schroedinger's famous experiment in its own way, ignoring the fact that it was always a thought experiment. Found at The Daily Dalek from Tone Cartoons. Link -via Geeks Are Sexy...'ve all seen plenty of Doctor Who confectionaries by now, but these cupcakes by The... Bell is certainly a lot better off in the light on the TARDIS than she is in the lantern in Captain Hook's quarters, but then, she'd still be best off inside the box rather than on the top. You certainly don't wan... Who Christmas Ornaments (sold individually)Oh, we kno... ...those well organized and delightful individuals, who can't contain their excitement about the upcoming... ...ement about the upcoming holidays, we present the Doctor Who Christmas Ornaments from the NeatoShop.... member Panda rabbit spent only $5 on materials for this wibbly-wobbly wall clock.If I had a TARDIS clock, I'd set it to run backwards.Link... of Epbot attended this year's DragonCon in Atl... ...of cosplay, such as this incredible Cyberman from Doctor Who