The 1993 video game Doom is an icon of the gaming world. Since its debut,... ...uding pregnancy tests and refrigerators, powering Doom with potatoes, controlling the character with a r... ...n E. coli bacteria.Soon, you will be able to play Doom on a lawnmower. Husqvarna, the...ダイヤル式電話で DOOM を操作する猛者が遂に登場たぶん過... ...d ways to play the 1993 first-person shooter game Doom on decidedly non-standard video game equipment. P... ...s entered the game.This video shows a man playing Doom using an old fashioned... is one of those beloved shows that even 2... die. That being said, at least one fan of both Doom and Seinfeld found a way to make it die. Doomworld forum user Doug Keener wanted to combine two thin... ...combine two things he loves to make the ultimate Doom tri... extraordinary gaming mod is called the Painsa... ...of the classic science fiction horror video game Doom .George Merlocco made the Painsaw with a Pi Zero m... ...with the date of Dec. 10, 1993--the day that the Doom was released.-via Damn Geeky artist Iain Heath, known to many as Ochre Jel... ...Jelly, built an homage to the classic video game Doom . This creation is 6 feet long and 3 feet wide, an... ...for more pictures and a video walk-though of LEGO Doom . And here's the video tour:[ ...rsquo;s Flickr set, where you... was once a little WWII game called Castle Wo... ...rson shooter incarnation put out by the makers of Doom , id Software.Did you know they actually "borrowed... ...ators of Wolfenstein, Muse Games? And speaking of Doom , did you know that the original idea for Castle W... ...ater became the basis for the... bright, bizarre and absolutely beautiful... ...or the logo and box art on the seminal video game Doom . Hit the Juxtapoz link below for a sampling of... Pixelkaya is an artist who specializes in video game and movie themes worked into fabric, paper, and fingernails. She has a gallery of neat fingernail polish designs that required her to remain still for hours a... Link) YouTube user Ultraboy94fsr mad... ...ube user Ultraboy94fsr made a WAD modification to Doom so that he could use a vuvuzela as a weapon. At...