Neatorama Posts Tagged "Cthulhu"
Winnie the Thulhu...

Winnie the Thulhu by TeeKetch In his house at Hundred Acre Wood dead Winnie the Thulhu waits dreaming ... about honey! NeatoShop artist TeeKetch mashes up our favorite elder god with a classic kid's story to creat...
Neatolinks: Cthulhu Trees and Burger Porn

Porn Burger Shows the Most Heavenly Burgers on Earth (Porn Burger)Superhero Poop is Available on Etsy...Because the Internet? (The Mary Sue)This Cologne Seriously Rocks (Incredible Things)This Abandoned Outdoor Movie The...
The Might of Cthulhu

And since you’re up already, maybe you can reach that box on the top shelf for me? Everyone needs the help of someone with real strength every now and again. Comic by Shenanigansen at Owl Turd. -via Geeks Are Sexy...
Cthulhu Lamp Sure Puts the "Craft" In Lovecraft

In his house in Montreal, the very much aliv...  ...l has just created this awesome lamp sculpture of Cthulhu , made out of "the back of one PVC patio chai...  ...For the time being, the Cthulhu lamp is on display at the EtOH Brasserie in Montr...
Cthulahula: The Hula Dancing Cthulhu

Cthulahula by ZombieMedia That's...  ...atoShop artist ZombieMedia illustrates the cutest Cthulhu you'll see today! Check out his website and offic...
Neatolinks: The Dark One Has Risen -on Your Wall...

Are You Ready to Study Beyonce (Incredible Things)...  ...ngs)Obama Reading Minecraft Fanfic (Topless Robot) Cthulhu Wallpaper? Need! (Unreality Mag)In Space, No One...
Cthulhu The Animated Series

Cthulhu The Animated Series The Ancient One return...  ...Ancient One returns! In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming about his own animated TV series a...
A Cthulhu-Themed My Little Pony

Isn't this little elder god just adorable? Bigshot...  ...d just adorable? Bigshot Toyworks is developing a Cthulhu -themed My Little Pony named Maddie. She is one of...
The Cthulhu Christmas Tree

Sure, Christmas might be over and Santa Claus migh...  ...visited the good girls and boys of the world, but Cthulhumas isn't here yet and Santa Cthulhu (or Cthulhuclaus as I like to call him) have yet to come around to...  ...for the big day though thanks to this delightful...
Turducken? No, Thanks. I'll Have the Cthurkey....

A turducken is a chicken stuffed inside a duck stu...  ...and bacon. The dish is named in honor of our Lord Cthulhu whose dreadful reign will hopefully begin soon.Ru...  ...d it. His wife is a fan of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos, so he made this uniquely terrifying dish...

NeatoShop Products Tagged "Cthulhu"
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