Crummy Gummy , an artist in Orlando, is most well-known for his... most well-known for his sculptures made out of gummy bears, such as a Spartan helmet and an Alien ches... know this little dumpster is going to cause yo... ...ble. But at least he doesn't have a bad motivator. Crummy Gummy , a street artist in Orlando, Florida, painted thi... the name Mauricio Murillo. He goes by the name Crummy Gummy because although he does street art, his early no... ...does street a... Gummy (previously at Neatorama) presents a new photo se... ...rida. Continue reading for a sneak peek. -Thanks, Crummy ! Gummy sent a picture of his latest work, which is total... in the arena is fast, bloody and short. Prot... ...short. Protect yourself with this helmet made by gummy bear artist Crummy Gummy . Also, be sure to check his other work at his web... of which consists of funny scenes acted out by gummy bears. Link -via Walyou...