These cookies would be perfect for a graduation celebration! Be... new Tusken neighbors are vegan, so you'd bett... ...for tea. Jenn's Jawa-shaped peanut butter cupcake cookies if you weren't already motivated to eat tacos, Sandra Denneler has made them even more seductive. Her cookie versions are made with Golden Oreos, chocolate Oreos, coconut and chewy candies. You can find her full recip... makes impressively realistic depicti... ...stic depictions of popular characters using sugar cookies . From top to bottom, you can see Captain America,... Kirk said, "How we deal with death is at l... ...ator, a Star Trek cuisine blog, made these zombie cookies last Halloween.Link do you make a chocolate chip cookie ice cream cone? Nick of DudeFoods found that his waffle cone maker wasn't up to the task. But he pressed on with his research and tried to cook the cone around a metal cone mold. T...'s sugar cookies look delicious. But how did she get the striated...'s been almost twelve years since Douglas Adams... ...onica Holbert marked the occasion by making these cookies .Remember that May 25th is Towel Day. On that day,...[] (YouTube link)Physic... ...e Goldberg by building a machine to separate Oreo cookies into their basic elements: cookies is a cookie. Yes, it's also a work of art. Ri... ...o a work of art. Risa Hirai is an artist who uses cookies as her medium. She is a senior at Tama Art Univer... ...a senior at Tama Art University in Japan. Hirai's cookies will be on exhibit in March in Tokyo, but you can...