Chris Poole has a tutorial on keeping your cats ha... ...with the help of the world’s luckiest cats, Cole and Marmalade . [] (YouTube link)Ca...[](Vide... ...tead of, you know, actual cat beds?Celebrity cats Cole and Marmalade explain with the help of their hapless human, Chr... Poole wanted to take pictures of his cats Cole and Marmalade in their Halloween costumes. Cole is Batcat and Marmalade is Supermarm. He even made an elaborate backdrop... ...s. -via Tastefully Offensive See also: more from *stro...’s no secret that cats are biding their ti... ...o their machinations makes them no less adorable. Cole and Marmalade don’t even bother to hide their intentions....] (YouTube link)See more from Cole and Marmade. -via Laughing Squid and Marmalade teamed up with Big Cat Rescue to illustrate the m... ...your house. -via Tastefully Offensive See more of Cole and Marmalade .[] (YouTube link)Chris... ...7ZPYFY9iA] (YouTube link)Chris Poole’s cats Cole and Marmalade illustrate how they are better than everyone. In... ...all cats do. As an aside, every time I hear about Cole and Marma...[] (YouTube link)Chris... ...IZvO8F2Ac] (YouTube link)Chris Poole and his cats Cole and Marmalade (previously at Neatorama) demonstrate the signs o...[] (YouTube link) Cole and Marmalade (previously at Neatorama) show us how they view t...[]YouTube LinkHalloween... ...ats are not free of such regimens. In this video, Cole and Marmalade (previously at Neatorama) provide this handy guid...[] (YouTube link)Workin... ...ided attention while you’re home with them. Cole and Marmalade (previously at Neatorama) demonstrate exactly wha...