More than 2,000 highest max temp... wrote: This isn't to say that climate change is directly causing the extreme heat... ...vey that needs to be done to make the climate change case authoritatively. The sheer number... ...we do have a pretty good idea of what *st..., in the South Pacific, is made up of nine s... ...ll will be uninhabitable in about 50 years due to climate change . Already the citizens are feeling the effects, as... marmots in Colorado are gaining wei... ...thirty years ago. The difference is attributed to climate change . In the Rocky Mountains, these marmots usually h... link) Well I'm a polar bear and my name is Bjorn and I've been a polar bear since the day I was born. Welcome to my kingdom and the world that I roam the circumpolar arctic, the place that I call home. Wr...[YouTube Clip] Just when you thought that... Asian cities and accumulate over a climate hotspot called the Tibetan Plateau, the... ...that greenhouse gases are not the sole agents of change in this region. There’s a local... Justin RiesYay for global warming! New stud... ...arbon dioxide emissions reach extreme levels, the changes in the world's oceans might result in lobsters 50... the world looks to Copenhagen for solutions to... ...d looks to Copenhagen for solutions to a changing climate , China's vice-minister of the National Population... are fascinating species and the giant o... ...adorable animals is detailed on the Adventures in Climate Change website. http://www.adventures-in- climate-change .com/adventures-in- climate-change change may be serious stuff for many of us, but for Al G... ...e stood to benefit personally from the energy and climate policies he was urging Congress to adopt.Mr Gore... is Blog Action Day, an annual event in which... ...sion that will - hopefully - bring about positive change . This year's topic is climate change - which, shall we say, is a wee bit controversial... to ask YOU what you think about global warming/ climate change . D...