Every year, the residents fo Gävle, Sweden, e... ...sidents fo Gävle, Sweden, erect a giant Yule goat made of straw for Christmas . And almost every year, the goat becomes the victim of arson. The first goat , erected in 1966, wa...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/12/02/How-Long-Will-the-Gvle-Goat-Last-in-2017/Every year since 1966 the people of Gävle, Sw... ...people of Gävle, Sweden, erect a huge straw goat for Christmas . The traditional Gävle Goat went up the the last weekend in November this yea... ...year. The big question is: will it survive until *strong c...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/12/12/The-Gvle-Goat-Timeline/Every year, the people of Gavle, Sweden, erect a h... ...r, the people of Gavle, Sweden, erect a huge Yule goat made of straw. And most of those years, arsonists... ...se years, arsonists manage to burn it down before Christmas . It's happened again, early Saturday morning.The... ...d again, early Saturday mo...