Can you tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? How about a leopard and a cheetah? Do you know if the animal above is a llama or an alpaca? This Buzzfeed quiz tests your animal knowledge by asking you t... members at the Wildlife Safari in Winston, O... the staff and so far is healthy and thriving. Cheetahs are an endangered species due to loss of habitat,... Safari, one of the most prolific breeders of cheetahs in the United States. Via Zooborns. pair of cheetah cubs born at the National Zoo in... ...or at least a victory, in the science of breeding cheetahs . Since they were declared an endangered species,... endangered species, zoos can no longer import cheetahs from the wild, and breeding them became very impo... ...s keep them from disappe... Link) Is it just me or is Cheetaroh a confusing name for a critter that is a leopard, not a cheetah? Maybe he's silly because he's going through an identity crisis. Via I Can Has Cheezburger... Link) Fortunately, the sounds that come out of it are ridiculously adorable. Squee!!! Via Cute Overload... caption for this picture is priceless: Hunting pumpkins is one of the most important skills a cheetah will ever learn… It's part of a photo series from Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay, Florida, posted at Cute Over...