Boxwars is when a bunch of people fight each other using... ...using homemade weapons and armor constructed from cardboard . It looks like great fun! Great Big Story went to... ...Story went to Melbourne, Australia, to meet some Boxwars participants and watch a battle.Ready fo...[] YouTube LinkReceivin...] YouTube LinkReceiving one's first cardboard box is a monumental right of passage for any growing... ...Teasing the dog is just the cherry on top of the boxy sundae. -Via Tastefully Offensive is this all about? Redditor listrophy spotted... ...something with a lot of bagged air. And a second box to follow. But it's probably a car. A few months... ...through Amazon would get them delivered in Amazon boxes . The accompanying film crew must be having lunch... ...remaining question is: who gets t... you’re in the habit of entertaining l... ...all you need is a smartphone, a razor blade and a cardboard box big enough to cover your head and you've got a pr... blogger at Mythillogical- Myths & Fabricat... ...hing the pet wants to do -like explore holes in a box . With a camera ready, the hamster (named David Bo... in 2010, we showed you this ingenious DIY ant... ...cheating, they opted for the deluxe anti-cheating cardboard box helmet: Recognizing that cheatin...