Two-year-old Hazel is undergoing treatment for neuroblastoma at Children's Hospital in L.A. As a lark, her family helped her tape "Please Send Pizza" in her window. Yesterday, redditor ashortstorylong spotted the sign in... A.C.Camargo Cancer Center in São Paul, Brazil wanted to make... the link, you can watch a video showing the cancer center using these superheroic tools to encourage... ...using these superheroic tools to encourage young cancer patients.Link -via Bit Rebel..., before you condemn the picture above, you sh..., a Brazilian non-profit that helps people with cancer . They're raising awareness about testicular cancer .Consider our awareness, ah, um, raised, Mr. Balls...[](Video... ...k)7-year old Jack Hoffman has been fighting brain cancer for 2 years. He's a big fan of the Nebraska Cornh... Katelyn Norman of LaFollette, Te... ...orman of LaFollette, Tennessee, has terminal bone cancer . One of the items on her bucket list was to go to... PlushIf only curing cancer were this simple. Behold the evil little malignan... ...ell. This little plush makes a great gift for the cancer survival with a winning sense of humor. Be sure t... have been relocating healthy Tasmanian... ...culprit is two very frightening words: contagious cancer . Biologists first encountered the cancer in the late 1990s. The tumors grew on the devils&... ...eastern Tasmania, and with each passing year the cancer ’s...[] (YouTube link)Get a hankie ready. This video with Dr. Alex Levy from the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children was posted at reddit, just as a bunch of medical students on the forum needed som...[] (YouTube link)While... ...nk)While Tammy Williamson undergoes treatment for cancer , her family waits in the lobby. That's when her s... creator of the webcomic xkcd, Randall Munroe,... ...n his fiancé (now wife) was diagnosed with cancer . Along the way, the webcomic pointed out some pow... ...made it clear that the only indication of beating cancer is time. Today's comic announces that it has been...