In the world of sports trading cards professional... ...Wolf" Scott Howard, and Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack 1 and 2 too.Na-na-na-na indeed sir! Cuyler's way... 1980 movie Caddyshack is a classic for its pure goofiness and laughs. B... ...list of greatest movie quotes of all time. 10. Caddyshack evolved into something other than “Animal H... ..., Dangerfield, and Chase. Ramis would now conduct Caddyshack as if it were a Ma... years after the filming of Caddyshack , the AV Club went to see the country club where i... ...much looks the same at Grande Oaks as it did when Caddyshack shot there more than three decades ago. The hotel... ...the golf course has been redesigned. The titular caddyshack... movie Caddyshack was released on July 25th, 1980. My, has that rea...