It's been a long time since you've listened to... ...time since you've listened to those Sir Mix-a-Lot CDs . Why not put them to some good use? Sean Avery ta... ...y not put them to some good use? Sean Avery takes CDs beautiful "wastlandscapes" are made... ...ful "wastlandscapes" are made of 65,000 discarded CD 's. This 500 square meter installation is currentl... doubt you remember getting Columbia House packe... ...getting Columbia House packets in the mail. Eight CDs for a penny? What minimum wage-earning kid wasn't... doesn't matter what band it is or what era they are from, chances are that at least some of this time line by Grant Snider will apply to them, sooner or later. Link -via reddit... CD Purse - $8.95Just because CDs are going the way of the dinosaurs, it doesn't me... ...s, check out this coin purse made from repurposed CDs impression by Stephen WeeksEver wonder wher... ...ession by Stephen WeeksEver wonder where unwanted CDs go to die? Rather than throwing away unused CDs , UK artist Bruce Munro decided to turn them into... ...ided to turn them into an art installation titled CD Sea. H...