Larry Marten wanted to build a coffin for his father as one last gift. Making the finely-crafted coffin, complete with parts saved from his father's life, was easy compared to negotiating the bureaucracy involved in bury... fear of being buried alive is an old one, and is even the origin of the phrase "saved by the bell". Annalee Newitz of io9 has a roundup of technologies developed over the years, right up to the present day, to p... WebUrbanist, we have a list of cemeteries that made chills go up our spines while watching the movies. Some are purely fictional, some were filmed at real cemeteries, and some were based on real stories of cemeterie... patent has been issued for this device, which wo... ...ed for this device, which would conserve space in burial grounds. The inventor even envisions a transpar... ...ansparent variety: “A clear plastic Easy Inter Burial Container, where the body is additionally encased... Monica Szczupider / National GeographicWhen... Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon, her burial was witnessed by the rest of the chimps residing... Obscura has compiled pictures and information about twelve different churches and shrines decorated with human bones. The picture above is from a wall at the Chapel of Bones at the Royal Church of St. Francis in P... was a problem in the segregated Jewish ghett... ...e another. Here's the unique story of the layered burial of the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague, Czech Repub... ...ently visible and there may be as many as 100,000 burials in all. Allan Poe died 160 years ago, but did not have a proper funeral, especially for such a respected author. Poe's cousin, Neilson Poe, never announced his death publicly. Fewer than 10 people attended the hasty funer... Link) 90-year old Lonnie Holloway, of Saluda, South Carolina chose to be buried inside his old Pontiac Catalina. He was entombed with his collection of guns in the passenger seat and next to his wife (who wa... you like to keep your departed loved ones in an urn on the mantle? How about in an urn that looks like the deceased person's head? Cremation Solutions makes personalized urns using facial reconstruction and 3...