The Unipiper ( Brian Kidd ) gets into the spirit of The Force Awakens by tra... wouldn’t be a real holiday without the Un... ...the Unipiper serenading us in costume, would it? Brian Kidd got into his Uncle Sam getup for the occasion, an...’s favorite unicycle-riding flame-t... ...-riding flame-throwing bagpipe-playing cosplayer, Brian Kidd , also known as the Unipiper, has teamed up with R... ...s and lots of geeky goodness,” according to Kidd ."I've never used the bagpipes as a cooking utensi... ...d the bagpipes as a coo...[] (YouTube link)I don't know why it took so long for Jimmy Kimmel to discover the Unipiper. We've been following him for years. But now your stay-up-late-and-watch-TV relatives know about him,... are familiar with Brian Kidd , also known as the Unipiper. Chris Higgins wrote... ...e Unipiper. Chris Higgins wrote up a biography of Kidd for The Magazine in which we learn how he came to... ...s, and cosplaying and turn it into a career.While Kidd studied mar...[] (YouTube link)When p... Darth Vader, you've got to step up your game. Brian Kidd , the Unipiper, did just that by adding flame to h...[] (YouTube link)Our ol...] (YouTube link)Our old friend Brian Kidd , better known as the Unipiper, caught the Game of... ...g his unicycle. Well, could you do that? -Thanks, Brian ! See also: more Unipiper performances.[] (YouTube link)Our ol...] (YouTube link)Our old friend Brian Kidd , known as the Unipiper, has a new video, and this... ...s while riding his unicycle in Portland. -Thanks, Brian ! Previously: More from the Unipiper.[YouTube Clip] Yes, I realize it's a long Post title... but, hey, our first GTFO contest submission deserves it! Check out the video above and then get cracking on your own submission for a chance to win some awesome...