DeviantART member Trevor Grove is a fan of the TV... ...ntART member Trevor Grove is a fan of the TV show Breaking Bad . He is also quite an artist! Grove made these thr... Credit: WTF CostumesPhoto Credit: Guy Code B...'s Halloween costumes based on the hit TV drama Breaking Bad are expected to soar to an all time high this yea... adorable young men in their TV character cos... ...en in their TV character costumes from the series Breaking Bad are being passed around the internet, but we don'...[] (YouTube link)Creati... ...g completely different. In this case, the TV show Breaking Bad become a tender love story -between Walt and Jess... DeYoung painted this fantastic mash up betwe... ...his fantastic mash up between American Gothic and Breaking Bad . I don't know about you guys, but I would love to... Fink has been writing up summaries of the TV sh... ...Fink has been writing up summaries of the TV show Breaking Bad in rhyming verse. Now that the first half of seas... you saw the episode in question, then you know... ...from images, and based on various angles from the Breaking Bad episode, this is their guess. And here, another e...[] (vimeo link)Martin Wou... ...seth made an alternate illustrated version of the Breaking Bad opening credits. Since we'll have no new episodes... you've ever watched the hit TV drama Breaking Bad then you know that it has nothing in common with... Coffee made these adorable Breaking Bad plushes, including two Walter Whites and one Heis... Whites and one Heisenberg for the Gallery 1988 Breaking Bad show.Link Via Geek Crafts